Principles of Sacred Consciousness

Seventh Principle of Planetary Transformation
The Principles of Sacred Consciousness group is self-supporting through donations from within the community. God and the collective heart are the source from which all decisions concerning money are made.
The Seventh Principle of Planetary Transformation attempts to heal the split between the material and the spiritual through the sanctification of all attitudes about the material, including money. This is an area where most of us have far to go. In the Seventh Principle there is an emphasis on attunement to Divine will in all decisions concerning money so that God and the wisdom of the collective heart can become the source from which all decisions are made.
This can only happen through relating to financial decisions in the same way we relate to others–through attunement to Divine will and to our higher purpose. As we purify, ego-centered motives concerning money diminish and the motives of our higher selves increase. As we attune to Divine will in financial as in other matters, we strive to hear and to respond to that will and to become freer of all motives based on the fear and deprivation that have have been a driving force in our lives.
In order to sustain this effort, great consciousness is required and each group must become responsible for anchoring this consciousness with respect to the decisions needing to be made. Many spiritual concepts from the other Principles can help us in this task. In particular, we can rely on our desire to have all decisions, including financial ones, serve the purposes of God's love, and look to the Fifth Principle as a means for assessing the purity of our motives in relation to discussions about money.
As we work within this area attuning to Divine will at all times, much learning can take place. Specific opportunities for growth include changes in how we perceive money, the uses to which money should be put, and the nature and size of our own perceived needs. As we grow all of our attitudes about money will change, becoming more and more selfless and less and less fear-based. However, since members of a group are likely to be at different places in their growth, it is likely that at any given moment in time our individual attitudes will also reflect different degrees of perceived need and fear, as well as different degrees of the capacity for selflessness.
Because of these differences decisions concerning money which affect the community as a whole need to be made by those who can most fully attune to Divine will. This leadership council should represent the interests of all members and groups and bear within itself the capacity for greater selflessness than the rest. The criterion for leadership in this context is the capacity for selflessness and identification with the interests of all, which includes the capacity to remain faithful to the dictates of Divine will and Divine love. It is this that allows individuals to be entrusted with greater responsibility for higher level decision-making.
Structural flexibility regarding participation in this leadership council is needed so that as more people become spiritually able to make decisions from a place of alignment with higher purpose they can contribute to this leadership body. Such a spiritually-based, representative leadership acts on behalf of the highest purpose of the collective whole, while anchoring the connection between this purpose and the practical concerns of an organization needing to operate in the world.